Saturday, June 17, 2023

Some of the trades analyzed

Although I didn’t update over a past few days, it seems like most of the trades did went according to the plan except two of them which got stuck hard. One being Emami Ltd and the other being Fortis Healthcare. These are the two trades where I have some funds stuck, and in red. The Mahindra Logistics stock is also in red but not that deep. Apart from those, the other trades have been in my opinion really nice. The best one has been (could have been better), Mold Tek Packaging’s 70 shares bought and sold at 940₹ and 960₹ respectively. 
Mold Tek eventually crossed 1000₹ per share as I write this blog rn. Although what jt seems to confirm is that there can be potentially more upside to particular trade and it can be used as a way to reduce the brokerages and other charges. 

Some stocks such as Emami and Fortis were in the red ranges for some time. Although I still hold the former, Fortis was sold at a profit of roughly ~300₹; funny thing is this trade could have made big too had I hold it for the next day. There has been multiple such incidents, where the profit booking could have been sweet, but I closed the positions earlier. Jindal Stainless, Natco Pharma are two such examples where I lost almost 1000 - 1400 Rs of potential profits. has been a good tool, in order to find solid stocks which can be potentially showing some upside or downside. Combined with this, and delivery percentage, it could prove to be a good method to select the stocks. Also, technical analysis has helped, the concepts of divergences, combined with other indicators. More milestones to hit! :)

DIXON Downtrend