Monday, October 16, 2023

Learning About Breakouts and PEAD

 It seems like the color red, loves me. Many people call me a "red flag", but one other thing which is indeed red as fuck apart from the CPI(M) flag in my almirah is my equity curve /s. Since the desert cults started fighting, and before that the infamous one-day midcap crash (when the indices fell by ~4%), I am now sitting upon a pile of booked losses, around -5% returns since I started delivery trading on May 20th, 2023. 

The major problem seems to be a lack of a confirmed setup. Ameritrade and IB ain't doing shit to get my applications approved so I am still trading the Indian markets, where stocks are capped by circuits of 5, 10, and 20%. No stock moves or goes down more than 20% in a day. So, that seems to have limited the winning stocks. As of now multiple blogs on swing trading, and some books are the only source of my learning. I want to retry the method of delivery volume percentage, but it seems that this method has an incredibly high amount of capital required per trade, which constitutes around 10% of my total capital implemented. This needs to be solved with time, which can probably be done once I have my account size grown. But that's for later to ponder upon. Right now, a market monitor on chartink seems to be providing some value for thought. 

Chartink, no doubt, as been helpful for me to scan the stocks and select candidates from trading. Anticipation also seems like a nice way to pre-select stocks before the market opens, and put GTT orders on kite, in order to enter a particular stock once it starts to break out of a base. I would try reading up, and learning from the different blogs, in order to refine these processes.

Au revoir! 


creditaccess SL hit

 SL could be lowest low of the consolidation with proper risk